Your pet will love Canine Caviar’s free-range water buffalo treats! It is premium quality, 100% grass-fed, ethically produced, and sustainable treats high in protein and low in calories. These are great alternative treats to rawhide. They’re a great source of potassium, vitamins B6 and B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, these treats are GMO and antibiotic-free!
Dehydrated Water Buffalo Intestine
Daily Feeding Guidelines
1 piece per day. For the safety of your pet, observation is recommended when feeding your pet treats, bones, or chews.
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein | 80.0 % min. |
Crude Fat | 3.0 % min. |
Crude Fiber | 2.0 % max. |
Moisture | 10.0 % max. |
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